Detailed design reportIFAD DocumentsBackground document

IFAD in Nepal

Nepal was one of the first countries to benefit from IFAD loans, beginning in 1978. The 14 projects financed to date have mobilized significant resources. For every dollar lent by IFAD, an additional dollar has been committed by the government and other donors.

About the COSOP

IFAD’s strategy in Nepal – based on its Country Strategic Opportunities Programme for 2013-2018 – supports the development policies and programmes of the government and other partners, especially in relation to peace-building, reconciliation, reconstruction and economic recovery. IFAD’s investments reinforce these efforts by addressing the issues of poverty, inequality and social marginalization that have been at the heart of conflict in the country.

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Detailed Design Report 


VOLUME 1: Main report and annexes
Main report
Appendix 1: Country and rural context background
Appendix 2: Poverty, targeting and gender
Appendix 3: Country Performance and Lessons Learnt
Appendix 4: Detailed Project Description
Appendix 5: Institutional aspects and implementation arrangements
Appendix 6: Planning, M&E and learning and knowledge management
Appendix 7: Financial management
Appendix 8: Procurement
Appendix 9: Project Costs and Financing
Appendix 10. Economic and financial analysis
Appendix 11: Project Implementation Manual
Appendix 12: Compliance with IFAD policies
WP 1: Mapping of the Target Area and of Potential Value Chains
WP 2: Poverty, Targeting and Gender
WP 3: Promotion of Rural Micro-Cottage and Small Enterprises (RMSEs)
WP 4: Rural Finance
WP 5: Rural Infrastructure
WP 6: Strategy and Activities for Migrants, their Families, and Returnees
WP 7: Institutional Development and Project Implementation Set Up
WP 8: Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation and Learning and Knowledge Management
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IFAD Documents

  IFAD DocumentsYear                                 
Nepal COSOP 20132013
COSOP Appendix VI. Baseline Poverty Analysis2013
Concept Note – Micro Enterprise and Remittances2013
CPMT Presentation 
RER PPT first round 25 January
Nepal Microenterprise-remittances programmes 
RER Component 1 
RER Component 2 
RER Component 3 
Rural Enterprise and Remittances Poverty, Gender and Targeting 
RER AM design2014
Assessment of Issues and Options for Investing in the Productive Use of Migration and Remittance in Nepal2013
IFAD’s Rural Sector Performance (RSP) assessment: Nepal2013
Nepal Country Programme Evaluation2013
Comments of the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD on the country strategic opportunities programme for Nepal2013
Nepal – Rural Enterprise and Remittances Project objectives and activities (one page) 
Nepal Financial Assessment-The Financial Management Questionnaire (FMAQ)
Financial Management Assessment Report 
Financial Management Assessment of Nepal Projects: Annexes 
FMAQ: The Poverty Alleviation Fund (PAF) 
FMAQ: Financial Comptroller General Office (FCGO) 
FMAQ: Leasehold Forestry and Livestock Programme (LFLP) 
FMAQ: Western Uplands Poverty Alleviation Project (WUPAP) 
FMAQ: High Value Agriculture Project in Hill and Mountain Areas (HVAP) 
FMAQ sample: Ambrosia  –  pumping station re-habitation 
Government Auditing Standards Part 3: Segment Audit Guidelines Procurement audit2005
OAG Publication Series A1: Government Auditing Standards1996
Government Auditing Standards Part 3: Segment Audit Guidelines Project Financial Statements2005
Public Expenditure Audit Guide (Nepali) 
Revenue and expenditure CoA (Nepali) 
DTCO Internal Audit Manual (Nepali) 
An Assessment of the  Public Financial Management: Performance Measurement Framework (As of FY2005/06)2008
Nepal Accounting Standards on Presentation of Financial Statements 
Nepal Accounting Standards on Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates & Errors 
Nepal Standard on Auditing 200: Objective and General Principles Governing An Audit of Financial Statements 
OAG Organization Chart 
MAPs of Target area
RER Districts Map 
Districts – Janakpur zone 
Districts – Koshi zone 
District – Mechi zone 
District – Sagarmatha zone 
16 districts profile 
16 districts of the study 
Districts profile 
District consolidated table (PDF) 
District consolidated table (Excel) 
Absent population 2011 
Average agricultural holding size 
Economic activity 
Employed population 
Types of bank 
Ethic groups distribution 
Migration and households 
Land holding size 
Land holding 
Types of micro enterprises 
Migration and gender 
Poverty and remittance 
Poverty rate 
RER Nepal Mission Logistic
RER Contact list 
List of the Enterprises, Financial and Vocational Institutes 
RER mission itinerary 
RER field meeting 
Pre-field meeting 
Post-field meeting 
Terms of Reference – Rural Employment and Remittances Design Mission2013
Financial Facility on Remittance and Workshop
CMF Grant 
CMF Final Report 
IFAD Grant on Remittances Part 1 
IFAD Grant on Remittances Part 2 
IFAD Grant on Remittances Part 3 
IFAD Grant on Remittances Part 4 
Design documents 
CMF Design Document (part1)2009
CMF Design Document (part2)2009
CMF Design Document for circulation2009
Implementation Documents 
CMF Workplan2009
A Report on Institutional Assessment2009
Letter of Partnership Agreement (LOA) Annex 1 
Letter of Partnership Agreement with IFAD suggestion 
Central bank letter2010
Unemployment Cooperation Plan Guidelines2010
CMF Annex 1 and 2 (UI Product)2010
CMF Insurance Product2010
CMF Annex 1 and 22010
Outputs and logframe indicators 
Progress reports and Statement of Expenditure (SOE)
Cofinancing SOE 27-04-2010 
SOE (IFAD) 27-04-2010 
CMF PR2 (IFAD) 10-05-2010 
CMF PR2 (CMF) 14-05-2010 
SOE (IFAD) 14-05-2010 
CMF SOE 31-05-2010 
CMF PR2 (CMF) 08-06-2010 
CMF PR2 (IFAD) Cleared 
CMF PR3 SOE 29-10-2010 
CMF PR3 29-10-2010 
CMF PR3 (IFAD) 08-11-2010 
CMF PR3 (CMF) 07-12-2010 
CMF PR3 (IFAD) 07-12-2010 
CMF SOE (Cofinancing) 07-12-2010 
CMF SOEs 07-12-2010 
CMF PR3 (CMF) 10-12-2010 
CMF SOE (Activity) 
CMF SOE (activity) 28-02-2011 
CMF PR4 (IFAD) 08-04-2011 
CMF PR4 (IFAD) 09-05-2011 
CMF PR4 and SOEs 02-05-2011 
Final report and audit 
CMF audit report 22-07-2011 
CMF final report (IFAD) 25-07-2011 
CMF Final report (CMF) 08-08-2011 
CMF final report (cleared) 25-08-2011 
CMF final report (tool) 19-09-2013 
Small Grant agreement_signed2009
Small Grant agreement2009
CMF Amendment (letter extension date)2011
CMF Memo to Cooke for CFS Clearance2011
CMF No cost extension of project letter2011
CMF Countersigned amendment2011
Economic Security of Women Migrant Workers in Nepal2011
UNIFEM tool2013
Draft invitation letter 19-11-2013 
List of participant 18-11-2013 
List of Confirmed Invitees, Writeshop in Kathmandu on Scaling-up remittances 10-11 December 2013 
Writeshop agenda       
Writeshop Guideline 
Scaling-up and Remittances Writeshop Budget 
Terms of Reference – Preparatory Mission for the Design of the Rural Enterprises and Remittances Project 
Concept Note : Rural Enterprises and Remittances (2014) 
COSOP in country CPMT list 
Working paper for the rural micro enterprises and remittance project in Nepal   2013
Meeting Notes –Mission from 24th May to 14th June 2013 Nepal   2013
Map of Nepal 
Persons contacted during Mission 24th May to 14 June 2013 
Baseline Poverty Analysis of COSOP 
RER Preparatory Activities to Project Design 
Remittance Workshop
Working group note 1 
Working group note 2 
Nepal Write-shop Booklet on Scaling Up Frameworks2013
Working group member 
BTOR Write-shop on Scaling-up remittances in Nepal, 10-11 December 20132013
Concept Note 1: Rural Enterprises and Jobs2014
Supporting Documentation
CMF cover letter2009
CMF DHL Request for Special Document Delivery/pick-up by International/national Courier Service2009
Schedule 3 Bank Account Certification Form 
CMF Final workplan2009
Legal documents 
CMF Legal registration2000
CMF Letter of confirmation: Non-profit status2009
CMF brochure web: Asking the right questions 
LOA Annex 1 
CMF Logframme2009
Remittances 2008 – Full Proposal # 324: Promotion of Migrant’s Saving and Alternative Investment 
Project photos
CMF photo1 04-09-2009 
CMF photo2 04-09-2009 
CMF photo3 04-09-2009 
CMF photo4 17-11-2009 
CMF photo5 17-11-2009 
CMF photo6 18-11-2009 
CMF photo7 18-11-2009 
CMF photo8 18-11-2009 
CMF photo9 18-11-2009 
CMF photo10 18-11-2009 
CMF photo12 18-11-2009 
CMF photo13 18-11-2009 
CMF photos (poultry project t outcome dissemination workshop) 25-10-2011 
CMF photos and quote 25-10-2011 
Preliminary studies
Working paper for the rural micro enterprises and remittance project in Nepal2013
Meeting Notes –Mission from 24th May to 14th June 2013 Nepal-(Unedited  Draft 1)Proposed  project- Micro enterprise Rural Employment and Remittance of IFAD2013
Persons contacted during Mission 24th May to 14 June 2013 related to the Micro enterprises sector promotion and development in Nepal2013
Rural Micro-Enterprise Promotion Programme, Republic of the Philippines
Appraisal Report (Implementation Edition)
PROSPERER Microenterprise Impact
PROSPERER Measuring Poverty Reduction2012
Graph and table analysis 
IFAD project design guidelines and templates
Guidelines for  Project Design Report2011
PMD Templates Guidance notes 
Project design report template: main report and appendices 
Project design report template: working papers 
PTA documents
Rural Micro Small Enterprise (RMSE) development: core issues 
Gender and value chain development checklists 
IFAD Note: Proposal to establish a funding mechanism to support Public-Private-Producers Partnerships (PPPPs) in IFAD-funded value chain development projects 
VC project list 
Promoting rural enterprise growth and development: Lessons from four projects in sub-Saharan Africa2012
Private-Sector Deepening IFAD’s engagement with the private sector2012
IFAD Rural Enterprise Policy2004
Skills Enhancement for Employment Project (SEEP) grant -ILO
Skills Enhancement for Employment Project –SEEP Status Report2012
Good Practices and Lessons Learned’ on Experiences of Interventions of Skills Enhancement for Employment Project (SEEP), Nepal2011
Community Planning
Generating Project Ideas (GPI) Worksheet 
Prioritizing New Enterprise Project Ideas (P-NEPI) Worksheet 
Guide on How to test the viability of New Enterprise Projects Ideas (NEPI)  Identified through the RAM Technique 
New Enterprise Project Idea (NEPI) form 
List of other Possible Training Projects 
Proposed Budget Revision: January 2010 to December 2011 
SEEP updated workplan 
SEEP Operation Plan and Strategies (OPS) 
PCC Roles and responsibilities
Project assistance policy 
SEEP and Community Planning PPT
Community planning 
Tentative Programme of Activities 
Service Contract Community Planning
Service Contract Community Planning – Preparation of Project Proposals 
Terms of References – Sub-contracting  Community Planning and Generation of Project Proposals 
Training Proposals – NEPI
Adaptation of TREE Tools and Strategies in the Skills Enhancement for Employment Project (SEEP) 
Training Proposal (To support New Enterprise Project Ideas – NEPI) 
How to prepare Skills Training Outline Guide for Skills Trainers 
How to prepare Training Proposal Guide for Trainers 
How to prepare Skills Training Syllabus Guide for Trainers 
Skills Training Syllabus 
Skills Training Outline and Requirements 
List and Prices of Training Tools & Equipment 
List and Prices of Training Supplies and Materials 
List and Prices of Office Supplies and Materials 
Other Training Proposals
Training Proposal – EMT Enterprise Management Training 
Training Proposal – EEP (To support Enterprise Expansion Plans) 
Training Proposal – ESD (To support Economic Sector Development) 
Training Proposal – Transition Enterprise Project (TEP) 
Panneau 3

Background Documents

Background documentsYear
Country Briefing: Nepal2013
Nepal Development Update2013
UNCDF Nepal Country Strategy2014
Political Economy Analysis of Local Governance in Nepal2012
Agrobusiness Policy (Nepali)2006
Decentralization  in Nepal: Laws and Practices2011
District Aid Profile 
Country Report: Nepal2013
Foreign Employment, Remittance and its Contribution to Economy of Nepal2011
Ethnic and Caste Diversity: Implications for Development2005
Country Diagnostics Studies_Nepal: Critical Development Constraints2010
Nepal’s Electricity Crisis: Survey and Findings2013
Labour and Social Trends in Nepal 20102010
Nepal Peace and Development Strategy 2010-20152011
The Industrial Enterprises Act, 19922000
Trade & Services in Nepal: Opportunities and Challenges2010
Technical and Vocational Education and Training Policy2012
Labour Migration (Foreign Employment) Policy 2068 (Translated for ILO Internal Reference Purpose) 
Nepal’s Agricultural Sector 2011 (Nepali)
Industrial statistics2011
Poverty assessments
Underlying Causes of Poverty Analysis and Contributions Towards a Program Approach2009
CBS Poverty in Nepal 2010-2011 (Nepali)2011
IPC Pilot Chronic Food Insecurity Analysis of Nepal2012
Nepal: Country Analysis with a Human Face 20112013
Food Insecurity and Vulnerability in Nepal: Profiles of Seven Vulnerable Groups2004
National data for monitoring the Millennium Development Goals2012
Nepal Millennium Development Goals Progress Report 20102010
Nepal Living Standards Survey  2010/11 Vol. 12011
Nepal Living Standards Survey  2010/11 Vol. 2
Food Security and Climate Change Adaptation Framework: Issues and Challenges2010
Understanding Mountain Poverty & Vulnerability 
Nepal Resilience Amidst Conflict: An  Assessment of Poverty in Nepal, 1995–96 and 2003–042006
Voices of People on Development2006
Nepal: Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Analysis (CFSVA)2005
Agriculture and Food security
The Food Security: Atlas of Nepal2010
Nepal Thematic Report on Food Security and  Nutrition2012
Nepal Economic Growth Assessment Agriculture2008
Food Security and Climate Change Adaptation Framework: Issues and Challenges 
Independent Evaluation: The Gender and Social Inclusion2011
Gender and value chain development Checklists 
Financial services
Enhancing Access to Financial Services (EAFS)_UNCDF 
Nepal Rastra Bank Enhancing Access to Financial Services (EAFS) ProjectMarket Research Report on Financial Literacy: Enhancing Access to Financial Services Project
Prodoc: Enhancing Access to Financial Services ProjectProject Handover Report
Access to Financial Services in Nepal2007
Improving Access to Finance Sector Development Program_ADB 
Technical Assistance Report2011
Technical Assistance Consultant’s Report2012
Assessment of Enabling Conditions of Rural Financial Services Development in Nepal Technical Report2013
TOR_ Assessment/Updating of the Enabling Condition of Rural  Financial Services Development in Nepal 
A Study on Financial Institutions Providing Financing for Business Start-ups by Skilled and Highly Skilled Returnees2012
Labour Migration and Remittances in Nepal2010
The Effects of Migration from Khotang District to the Gulf and Malaysia2011
Assessment of Issues and Options for Investing in the Productive Use of Migration and Remittance in Nepal2013
Large-Scale Migration and  Remittance in Nepal: Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities2011
Small and Medium Enterprise (SME)
A Country Report on Small and Medium Industries in Nepal2005
A Report on Micro and Small Enterprise Policy Review in Nepal2003
Business Registration in Nepal 
Overview of Nepalese Small and Medium Enterprises 
MEDEP: Capacity Assessment Report and Capacity Development Strategy 
MEDEP: Micro-Enterprises, Development for Poverty Alleviation Vol. 12012
MEDEP: Micro-Enterprises and Household Income in Nepal: A case Study of Parbat District2010
MEDEP Programme Document phase IV: Capacity Assessment Report and Capacity Development Strategy2010
Micro-Enterprise Development Program (MEDEP) Independent Evaluation 20122013
MEDEP: Impact Assessment of Micro-Enterprise Development Programme  2012
Map of MEDEP Implementation Districts2010
Nepal Foreign Employment Act2007
Nepal Foreign Employment Policy (Nepali)2011
Agro-enterprise Development in Nepal: Current Status and Constraints2011
Recent Issues of Agriculture Technology dissemination adopted by LI-BIRD 
Distribution of Manufacturing Establishments by Legal Status 
Distribution of Manufacturing Establishments by Numbers of Persons Engaged 
Distribution of Manufacturing Establishments by Type of Usual Activities 
Related projects and donors in Nepal
GIZ-BMZ Nepal Project 
Financial Literacy for Remittances and Diaspora Investments (FReDI) – A Handbook on methods for Project DesignMigration Tools – Options for Sustainability (MITOS) Guidelines and Toolkit20122012
International Organization for Migration documents 
Financial Literacy Manual for Remittance Receiving Household2013
Baseline Survey on Private Sector Participation in Labor Migration Management in Nepal: Case of Chitawan DistrictPrivate Sector Participation in Labour Migration Management in Nepal2011 
Safer Migration Project (SaMi) 
Project Document: Safer Migration Project (SaMi) Phase II2013
Labour Migration (Foreign Employement) Policy 
Training for foreign employment 
UNDP CIDA AusAid Micro-Enterprise Development Programme (MEDEP) 
Focused Evaluation of Micro Enterprise Development Programme2012
Scoping Study for MEDEP III2007
Project Document: MEDEP2008
MIS Database Progress: MEDEP 
Target and achievement PowerPoint presentation2013
Impact Assessment of Micro-Enterprise Development Programme (MEDEP)2010
ADB Nepal’s telecenter landscape and where CeCs stand 
Elam – Informal Sector Micro Enterprise Development, Employment and Income Generation Programme: Annual Report 20122012
Elam: Project Document for July 2013 to December 20162013
Annual Review: Nepal Investment Climate Reform Program (NICRP)2012
Review of Employment Fund Project2013
Good Practices out of Nepal
Business Development Services for Small Enterprises:Guiding Principles for Donor Intervention2001
ILO The Enter-Growth Project SRI LANKA2009
Elarm– Area Potential Survey (APS)
Brief introduction of Area Potential Survey (APS) 
Business plan for new business 
Business Plan: Mobile Phone Repairing (Sample of business plan) 
Elam – Informal Sector Enterprise development and Employment generation Programme 
Concept paper on Enterprise Service Providers (ESP): Localization of Elam services (pdf) 
Concept paper on Enterprise Service Providers (ESP): Localization of Elam services (word) 
An outline of  ESP Capacity Development Plan 
Elarm Poster2010
Ethnicity/ Caste wise Analysis sheet 
Business Development Services
Business services in support of farm enterprise development: case studies2007
Case studies on provision of services for farm enterprise (agribusiness) development in some selected countries in the South Asian and African regions  2004 
Business Development Services for Small Enterprises: Guiding Principles for Donor Intervention2001