Assurance and conditions to be sought at negotiations
At appraisal the following needs to be given particular attention.
Subsidiary agreement with Rwanda National
Bank. This will concern (a) the role of the RNB, and (b) the
rate of interest charged to the RDB and other financial institutions
to draw funds from the RNB used for on-lending, and (c) the
provision that funds drawn by the RDB to pre-finance the cooperative
shares will bear no interest.
- Conditions of effectiveness to include:
The preparation by the Nshili communities
of the list of the beneficiaries of the distribution of the
OCIR-Thé Nshili plantation and of the new smallholder
tea plots in the OCIR-Thé land concession at Nshili,
such activity to be funded under the SOF
Condition of disbursement under the tea development
component for other activities than the distribution of the
Nshili OCIR Thé plantation:
Effective assignment of individual plots to
all beneficiaries, including minimum 33% women head of HH
Issue of usufructuary title to all beneficiaries
Formation of cooperatives of beneficiaries and granting of personnalité
juridique to all the cooperatives
Preparation by MINAGRI of the complete documentation necessary
for the transfer of the OCIR-Thé Nshili woodlots and
housing compound to the Nshili Tea Company (NTC), upon establishment
of the NTC.
- Condition of disbursement under the coffee
diversification component:
Formal acceptance of TWIN as project technical
advisor and signature of the contract with TWIN in accordance
with the principles established in the appraisal report
Government assurances regarding the policy of location of new
coffee washing stations, to avoid overlapping of areas of influence
Government to accept that an internationally
recruited specialist advisor to the project coordinator be recruited
for one year to assist in negotiating all the contracts with
the service providers. Pro-forma contract will be prepared under
the SOF. Failure to sign the contracts with the key service
providers within one year from project effectiveness will cause
the cancellation of the Loan!
The Ministry of Agriculture to specifically
commit to provide suitable office accommodation for the PCU
central office in Kigali, including space required by TWIN,
and for the provincial units of the PCU in Gikongoro, Kibuye,
and Kigali-Ngali.