Site map
Poverty context
The country and economic situation Rural Poverty Government poverty reduction strategy
Strategy framework
IFAD and Regional Strategy Lessons learned: previous and ongoing IFAD projects Directives of the 2001 COSOP
Sub-sector context
Agriculture The traditional export crops sub-sector The market of Rwanda traditional export crops New cash and export crops Moderating the worse effects of globalization Potentialities constraints and sector development strategies PIP 2001-2003, other donors investment in agriculture project
The institutional context
Decentralization and local government Central government agencies relevant to project implementation Private sector organizations
Project area
The project area Poverty, gender situation, and HIV/AIDS Potential role of traditional cash crops for poverty reduction The project target group
Rationale of a crop focused project The goal of the project Specific objectives General strategy Project implementation policy Smallholders empowerment in commercial organizations
Description and activities
Project duration and structure The Coffee diversification component Tea development in Gikongoro Province Guaranteed credit to smallholder tea and coffee planters Development of new cash and export crops Project Coordination Phasing of project implementation Project cost and financing Co-financing and other forms of partnership Counterpart funds and PIP status Procurement Disbursement Special Operation Facility (SOF)
Overall project organization and coordination Contracts with service providers Production and marketing organizations Contracting agricultural research Monitoring and Evaluation
Cash crops markets and marketing Project beneficiaries and project benefits Financial Analysis of the coffee and tea companies Economic analysis Environmental status Risk and risk moderation measures included in the project design Innovative Features and Conformity with the COSOP Strategic thrusts
Reformulation mission of the Tea component
The Tea Industry in Rwanda Government Policies Public and Private Sector Organizations Involved IFAD COSOP 2001
Overview of the Tea Component
Initial Design: Rationale and Planned activities Potentialities and Constraints in the Tea Sector
Objectives, strategy, target population, gender and environmental issues
Component Objectives Strategy Target Population and Target Area Environmental and Gender Issues
Overview of the Components Phasing of the Component Implementation Component Costs and Financing Co-financing and Other Financial Arrangements
Organization and management
Project Coordination Unit Contracts with Service Providers Monitoring and Evaluation
Benefits, justifications and risks
Component Beneficiaries and Component Benefits Economic Analysis Risks and Risks Moderation Measures Included in the Component Design
Assurances and documents to be sought prior negotiations
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